Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bring on the holidays

That time of the year once again getting near! The days are shorter, the temperatures are dropping and the end of the year deals are just around the corner! Ohhh and of course it couldn't possible be the holiday season without... Decorated coffee cups!!!

Holidays time

The cups and the seasonal flavors have been available since November the 2nd and I'm late in blogging about this mostly because I haven't had the need for a nice coffee fix until I decided to start taking sunrise pictures again =).. and somehow, in my caffeinated-sleep deprived state I looked at the cups and they seemed to be very appealing and just inviting me to take a pic and share it with the world =)

The harvest of the sunrise session? Well, I think it went very well considering I had a small window of time for shooting: 2 hrs travel time for aprox 30 mins of shooting (I had to travel 1 hr each way and afterwards I had to run to the office so) but I had a great time and at the end of the day, that's what matters.

My favorite pic of the day? A closeup I took at a shell with my macro lens. It's the first time I use my macro in the field (not to mention the first time I decided to change lenses right there on the beach). I usually find myself trying to take in the big picture with either wide angle or some far detail with a telephoto but... this opened a new world to me =)

Captiva-ting shells

So now I know that, while it's important to think in the big picture and being able to look far into the horizon... it can be just as good to pay attention to the little details that are around you =)

'Till next time,

1 comment:

  1. Es bueno salir de la zona cómoda, bien lo dice el dicho “el que no arriesga no cruza el rio”, muy bien por ti por las dos cosas nuevas: cambiar tu lente en la playa y poner atención a los detalles. Es una buena filosofía de la vida hacer cosas nuevas siempre nos enseña algo y casi siempre trae sorpresas. ¡ esta vez fueron positivas!!.
